Articles of Interest to Administrators

Why Hierarchies Thrive

Of course, hierarchies are terribly flawed. They inevitably foster authoritarianism and its destructive offspring: distrust, dishonesty, territoriality, toadying, and fear. Our ability to work effectively in hierarchies depends in large measure on how we deal with those dangers." -By Harold J. Leavitt -Harvard Business Review -March 2003

Corporate governance as custodianship of the business model

Michael Page, Laura F. Spira
21 March 2016

Relationship between associations and leagues around the world

Camille Boillat & Raffaele Poli - CIES - 2014

Non-Profit Law in South Africa

The legal framework governing nonprofit organizations (NGOs) in South Africa - By International Center for Non-Profit Law (ICNL) - March 2022

Understanding King IV and what it is intended to achieve

By Parmi Natesan - Institute of Directors of South Africa (IoD)